Indigenous knowledge

Indigenous people have a broad knowledge of how to live sustainable. However,
formal education systems have disrupted the practical everyday life aspects of
indigenous knowledge and ways of learning, replacing them with abstract
knowledge and academic ways of learning. Today, there is a grave risk that much
indigenous knowledge is being lost and, along with it, valuable knowledge aboutways of living sustainable. 
To appreciate the role of indigenous knowledge and
traditional ways of learning in maintaining the sustainability of a community.
Traditional types of knowledge about traditional technologies
of substances, ecological knowledge, traditional medicine, celestial
navigation,  climate, and others. These kinds of knowledge,
crucial for subsistence and survival, are generally based on accumulations
of empirical observation and on interaction with the environment.

The objective of indigenous knowledge campaign

  • Give people information about our centuries old indigenous traditional knowledge.
  • Providing information related to prevention of diseases to people.
  • Eliminating social doubts about traditional herbal knowledge and positivity towards it.

Awake people for self and health of their families, the health of their livestock and farm pans