Capacity buildings and livelihood promotion
Capacity Building
The concept of capacity building in nonprofit is similar to the concept of organizational development, organizational effectiveness or organizational performance management in for profit. Capacity building effort can include a broad range of approaches, e.g..granting operating fund, granting management development funds, providing training and development session, providing coaching, supporting collaboration with other nonprofit, etc Capacity building focuses on developing the capacities of organization, specially NGOs, so they are
better equipped accomplish the mission they have set out to fulfill. Conceptual framework-- an organization's understanding of the world, vision and strategy this refer to the organization's understanding of its vision and mission, one of the most fundamental ideas associated with capacity building is the idea of building the capacities of governments in developing countries so they are able to handle the
problem associated with environmental, economic and social transformation.
Livelihood Promotion
As India aims for an increasingly sustained GDP growth, there would be
tremendous demand for skilled human resource. But the inclusiveness of this
growth will be judged on the ability to generate an adequate productive
employment opportunities during this process. SO-FAR is committed to contribute
its bit in developing this resource pool through a basket of Vocational Training
programs offered under the aegis of the developed framework to improve
employability as briefed below.
SO-FAR is working for livelihood promotion with the objective of empowering the
people for their development to identify various livelihood promotion initiatives
undertaken by Government, Banks, MFIs, donor agencies and NGOs through
micro finance programs in India.
• To explore the relevance of social performance management in addressing
the issues of poverty, outreach, transparency and the client protection.
• To understand the need for financial literacy in livelihood promotions and
inclusive growth.
• To examine the development of micro-enterprises.
The Food Security and Livelihoods Program focuses on projects that aim to break
the cycle of poverty and meet emergency needs of food. Projects are used to promote
economic and social development.